This image is of a Batman film that is set to be released in 2012 and is a sequel to Batman: The Dark Knight. The lighting in this shot is mostly focused on the batman symbol on the building tall building right behind Batman himself. This is to highlight his superiority and show his domination across the city. The protagonist who is clearly shown and centred in the shot has top lighting used on him to increase the fascination of the audience about the character’s intentions. They are glamorising him even though he may not look like a hero although his posture may contradict this.
Other aspects of the mise-en-scene such as the costume which is an overall suit which shows the tone of his muscles and again has the Batman emblem imprinted on the top of his torso. Also his fists are clenched which shows his anger towards something in particular. Another aspect is his mask which could show that he must hide his identity for whatever reason and this may intrigue audiences to go and watch the film and find out what the storyline is about and what will happen.
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