Thursday, 8 December 2011

Super 8 Cross Media Study Continued...

Super 8 is likely to be targeted at an audience over the age of 10 or 11. The reason for this is the profanity that is present in the film. This may not be suitable for younger audiences. However this is not the only factor that makes this film targeted at such an audience. Another reason can include the spookiness and actions of the alien that is represented in the film. The alien seems to promote violence from its entrance on the screen until towards the ending where it soon leaves the Earth; therefore a younger audience may be startled because of these actions that are taken by the alien.
The audience may be able to form some sort of connection with the protagonist who is the young boy in the film who has lost his mother. His character is very emotional throughout the film and the audience may be able to relate to some of the emotions that are portrayed through the characters during the film.
Twitter regularly tweets itself and buzzes information within seconds which go all over fans communicate by blogging posts. Super 8 itself has its own Twitter page and has around over 16000 followers. The cast in the film also have their own social networking pages such as Facebook and Twitter where fans may be able to interact with them increasing the level of audience interaction.
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YouTube is another way Super 8 promotes the movie as fans make their own productions and fans can edit or view the videos that are posted site and make a comment on their views. - Blog which contains an article on the characters and the film overall
Rotten tomatoes is an useful  online website where fans can view pictures from the clip, read reviews and learn more about the cast in the film. A great advantage for this is that they can attract audiences because of star appeal. Although the person may not have seen the film, they may be able to recognise the actors in the film, and relate them to previous films that they have starred in.
Print media is used for many reasons and is cheaper than advertising on television or the internet, which costs significantly more. Furthermore, print advertisements in newspapers and magazines are usually targeted at a slightly older audience as the younger generations do not tend to read newspapers regularly.
Reviews that are also printed in newspapers can allow an audience to identify what the genre of the film is and if it looks appealing to them. An example of this could include The Guardian which contained a review on Super 8 in the actual paper print and online. However, a drawback of this can include any negative reviews may put off some people from actually watching the film and negative feedback spreads much quicker than positive.
An example of promoting Super 8 via broadcasting is when Kyle Chandler, who is Joe’s father in the film, was a guest on the David Letterman show.
A great benefit of this can be that, not only is he promoting the film, but himself as well. Also, the young female actress in the film, Elle Fanning was interviewed by a journalist from The Telegraph which may attract audiences because of star appeal.
All three platforms promote the film in the same way but use a different format as they adapt their marketing to meet the needs of the audience that they are trying to target. The platform that I think has been heavily invested in is e-media because of the fact that it was originally marketed virally. They are targeting mostly teenagers and the generations that are highly literate in the use of technology.

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