Thursday, 26 April 2012

COD MW3 Analysis

What codes and conventions does the trailer use to establish the text’s genre?

The violence and gore that is represented within the trailer show that this is clearly a FPS video game (first person shooter). This is recognised because of the way that each played is perceived whereby we see a point of view shot and the player is attempting to shoot someone. This can relate to the key concepts of the uses and gratifications theory as this can fulfil some of the needs of the audience such as escapism where the audience imagine that they live someone else’s, fictional  life. The clips are assembled together in a montage, combined with diegetic music to ensure that the audience is kept engaged. The type of characters that are used can allow the player, to experience being a rescuer because of the apocalyptic message that is portrayed – that the world is at war.

How is war represented in the trailer?

War is being represented as something that can be made to be fun and it allows the audience to be pumped with adrenaline before playing the game. The reactions needed for the game are quick and therefore war is something that most audiences fear the most; however they could still be able to purchasing this video game simply because of interest. War is being represented as something apocalyptic whereby the world is in jeopardy and the player that can purchase the game will be able to save it. As war is being globalised within the trailer, it shows that war affects people across the whole world and can take place anywhere also which is also another representation of war.

In what ways is the trailer typical of the video game industry?

This video game trailer is typical of the video game industry by the use of point-of-view shots to allow the user to experience the feeling of shooting someone. The dark colours and shadows are something that the COD franchise is well-known for and can be largely recognised across the world. The shadows create the mysterious sense that surrounds the characters and the plot of the video game. The age rating is displayed at the beginning of the trailer to warn audiences of the forthcoming pieces. This is again something that is typical of the industry that sells video games. Additionally, all of imagery used is computer generated which again is something that most video game providers use to produce a video game such as this.

Who does this text appeal to and what pleasures does it offer?

This text targets the male audience more dominantly than any other. The reason I say this is because males are stereotyped for their passion of video first of all and secondly, this game is all about shooting and killing others which is again something the males are stereotyped to enjoy. The rating of the game is given at the beginning of the trailer – 17+ so we can assume that the audience being targeted is above this age; however the COD franchise has been known to target younger children who play games on their video games consoles (ps3/Xbox). If we split the audience into psychographic groups, then we can see that it targets the ‘carers’ of the world where these people care and want to save the world from disaster. Patriarchal societies are represented through this and therefore can give the male audiences pleasure in realising that they hold power in their hands whilst playing the game.

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